Book recommendation – Sira
Hajjah Aminah Adil: Muhammad – Messenger of Allah
recommended by MA

Assalamu aleikum dearest sisters
I wanted to share the above link of a beautiful seerah book that Shaykha Umm Ayman ( may Allah preserve and bless her ) recommended . It has been an inspiration to myself , as well as to our local sisters . Since we are using it for halaqas and Sunday school . One can feel immense love for sayyiduna RasulaAllah (s) , as the author takes one through an in depth account of the origin of the most illuminated soul(s) ever Created to the lofty stations that Allah (swt) brought him(s) to , during the night journey in rajab , and much more . The book contains amazing anecdotes from the life of our beloved Prophet (s) , that I have been relating to our children . As a result of which came one of the most cherished experience of my life , our twins of 4.5 yrs having ru’ya of Sayyiduna RasulAllah (s) . Walhamdulillah 🌟