The Mother | Poem by Sh. Ibrahim al-Yaqubi
The Mother – الأم From a poem of the erudite scholar, Sheikh Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi The secret of life, the garden of blissful hopes The token of reliance, the bliss of all generartions The hymn...
The Mother – الأم From a poem of the erudite scholar, Sheikh Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi The secret of life, the garden of blissful hopes The token of reliance, the bliss of all generartions The hymn...
“A mother is a school. Educate her, and you empower a great nation.” Hafez Ibrahim (eyptian poet d. 1932) View with English translation
Here is a a beautiful moroccan rendering: …and you can sing the English text if you like A servant I am of of the powerful Lord * By Him eve’ry difficult... REPENT A poem by Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi View as PDF | Download Repent, repent, repent and cry Open your hands; pray and try Beseech Allah; and say here am I Have mercy on...